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Parent and Student Information

Office Hours
8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Meadow Ridge School Information 24.25

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Please call our Absence Hotline to let us know about your child's absence at (509) 465-6670. For reference, here are our district's Illness Guidelines.

If your child has borrowed clothing from the health room, please send it back laundered.

Important Information About Outbreaks Of Vaccine Preventable Diseases. Immunization requirements for school attendance may be different than those requirements during an “outbreak” of disease at school. The local regional health department determines when an outbreak occurs and determines any additional requirements needed during the outbreak. Read more

ALL parents and visitors MUST check in at the office during school hours. We ask you to do this to help ensure the safety of our children. Thank you for your cooperation.

Personal Safety lessons are taught to Mead students in grades K-5 and are taught by the children’s classroom teachers. The curriculum and materials have been approved by a District committee of teachers, parents, administrators, nurses, and social workers. If you would like to preview the personal safety curriculum, please contact Debbie Wiechert, our School Social Worker, to set up a time. She can be reached at 465-6637.

PowerSchool allows you to view information about your child, including attendance, lunch balance, email notifications, and demographics. Log in to your parent access account by using the link here: PowerSchool.

No Cell Phones or Other Electronics at School
Because cell phones are disruptive to learning, students may not use them at school. Cell phones that are turned off, may be stored in a student's backpack for use after school. This includes iPods, MP3 players, and handheld games such as Gameboy and DS. Electronic items will be confiscated and parents will be called to pick them up in the office.

For the safety of our students and your pets, please do not bring pets onto school property. If you bring the family dog with you to pick up your son or daughter, please keep him/her in the car. For student safety, it is important that we follow this new guideline. We love pets as well, but we cannot risk student safety at any time. Thanks for your understanding and support.

Child Care
Come join us for engaging activities in a safe place right in your school! Children build lasting friendships, interact with positive role models and have choices of activities such as arts & crafts, physical activity, clubs, and homework time. Full time and part time options available to meet the needs of your family. 

Boys & Girls Club
The Boys & Girls Club is open for grades K-12 for a yearly membership fee of $10.00. Their mission is to help every child reach their full potential. This includes sports and recreation, tutoring and homework center, computer lab, arts and crafts, music and dance lessons, and a hot meal served daily. For more information visit the website: : Registration Form

Social Services Resource
Washington State 2-1-1. The 2-1-1 Community Resources Database has been developed in Washington state to serve the public seeking information and referrals for assistance of any kind. You can look at their web site or call 2-1-1 from anywhere in Washington and you will reach an Information and Referral Specialist to help you meet your needs. This is also a resource for holiday assistance.